QUICKDEX FOR WINDOWS Quickdex is a replacement for the Cardfile program that comes with Windows. Unlike Cardfile, Quickdex allows you to search forward and backward, allows a regular expression search, and allows (essentially) unlimited file and card sizes. If you know Quickdex on the Mac, this is an improved version. Corporate Site Licenses and customized versions are available. For more information contact Stellar Software at 403 243 8987, through Compuserve 70444,127 (Internet 70444.127@compuserve.com) or at the address below. Sorry, but the author can't afford to return long distance phone calls. This application may be freely posted on bulletin boards and distributed, providing that distribution includes this file, the help file and the application itself. This version of Quickdex is capable of 'drag & drop' editing, but requires a 'key' to enable that functionality. Anyone can receive the key simply by registering their copy. The application is fully functional without drag & drop, but it's a treat for those who register. Quickdex is Shareware. If you keep and use it send $20 to: Stellar Software 312 40th Avenue SW Calgary Alberta Canada T2S 0X4 Or send $22 to register AND receive the latest version on disk. Thanks